Penrite Shift Eze 125ml - SHIFTEZE000125

- Improves cold changing performance
- Smoother easier gear shifting
- Quietens noisy gearboxes, Transaxles, transfer cases and differentials
- Extra protection for competition and vehicles under heavy load
- Mixes with all types of gear oils
- Extends Transmission Life
- Improves fuel economy
- Reduces heat & friction
SKU: A5395264
Bazaarvoice SAP Hybris Integration Version 2.8.0
Bazaarvoice SAP Hybris Integration Version 2.8.0
Penrite Shift Eze 125ml
Designed to improve shift quality of manual transmissions and quieten noisy drivetrain gear systems SHIFT EZE is a transmission and gear oil additive formulated with PTFE (Teflon) and molybdenum. For use in all types of manual transmissions, transaxles and transfer cases. It can be mixed with mineral, semi synthetic and full synthetic gear oils including gear oils that contain limited slip differential additives and with engine oils used in manual gearboxes.
Ideal for everyday use in manual transmissions to improve the shift quality and including cold changing performance of the gearbox. It can be used to treat harsh gear changing problems, excessive noise and gearbox whine and as an ongoing maintenance fluid at recommended service intervals to enhance transmission smoothness and gearbox life. It may also be used as a LSD (limited slip differential) additive to prevent chatter and provide smooth operation of clutch-type differentials. It can be used with old or new gearbox fluid
Having to repair or replace a transmission or gearbox in a vehicle today can be one of the more costly exercises you can undertake. Nothing is easily accessible and labour charges can outstrip the cost of the replacement unit in some cases. With this in mind it is always best to try and rectify any issues before they become more expensive. The high tech formulations used in these transmission additives can assist with smoother shifting, reduced noise and wear whilst providing maximum lubrication and longer transmission life all for minimal cost.
Another worthwhile method to maintain and prolong the life of your automatic transmission is to replace your transmission filter as scheduled in your service book. This, combined with the correctly formulated Auto transmission fluid can provide the protection needed before troubles and issues arise.
Stocking all the quality brands such as Nulon, Rislone and Penrite make Repco your one stop shop for the best in auto trans additives to keep you motoring.